Friday 9 August 2013

Too Many Comebacks...

Comebacks are a great chance to see your favourite artists in a new light or enter the world of a new group. So many artist made their comebacks recently that I had to add them all together here.

So prepare for an overload of new K-pop and a few J-pop songs that I enjoyed.

Japan was amazing!

After spending two weeks in Japan on holidays I realized a few things... 

1. Japan is amazing and totally want to live there
2. People are nice to you even if you can't speak the language
3. I REALLY need to work on my Japanese skills! 

As this was me for the most part...

Anyway, shall we continue now with my brief outline of what happened on my trip to Japan!

Hontou ni Gomenasi... I'm Sorry!

Hey everyone! I would like to say sorry for not posting anything since I left for Japan. 

Therefore, prepare for a mass posting session today. I will post a bit about my trip as promised, also information about my artists and new mvs and anything else I missed for the last 2 weeks or so... including Lee Joon Gi's new drama '2 Weeks'! 

From a lazy blogger.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Japan is almost within arms reach

In a few hours I will be on a plane heading to Japan!

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

I'm still not that confident in my Japanese skills but I think I will mange with my very simple conversational words and phrases. 

The first stop on my trip is Ikebukuro to checkin at our hotel. Afterwards we will head to Tokyo's Imperial Gardens and Tokyo Tower. 

Can't wait to see Tokyo Tower up close and watch it light up. I just hope the weather holds up while we are there. 

I will post a few photos in the next day or so of the tower and anything that I found interesting. 


From a too excited girl about a trip to Japan. 

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Milky Skin Kim Hee Chul...

Today is the birthday of the amazing personality that is Kim Heechul from Super Junior, who turned the big 3-0 today. This post is to remember the times we had with Heechul and wait for his return next month!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Drama Crisis Update

So I was feeling upset about saying goodbye to my favourtie drama site a few days go... but I have finally found a website that mostly covers all my requirements. 

The website is and holds dramas and movies from across asia in english subtiltes. So I spent the whole day yesterday playing catch-up on the Japanese drama 'BAD BOYS J'... I totally love Kento even more now!!

But moving on...

I will stay with this site for now and see what other shows it has. But I will most likely stay with this one since I am off to Japan on Friday for 2 weeks and then uni starts again... 

From a girl totally addicted to asian dramas.

Overload on Birthday Wishes for Johnny's

This past week has seen a number of Johnny's birthdays and I wished them all a happy birthday on many different social sites and in different languages too!

So lets see who celebrated their birthday this week...

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Countdown to Japan has started!

In less than a week I will be heading to Japan for 2 weeks!! I can't believe it, after wishing to visit this beautiful country for the last 20-odd year, it is finally coming true!


R.I.P Dramacrazy!

So I had just finished eating lunch and thought that I should watch the next ep of 'Dating Agency: Cyrano'. As I type in the address, ready to click on the link for the drama... I get this message pop-up in my face:

DramaCrazy is shutting down

To Our Loyal Fans:
After a great run, we have decided to shut down DramaCrazy and move on. The drama streaming landscape is ever so changing and it was a fun ride while it lasted. Rather than just shut down without a note, we'll leave the site up for a few hours while we allow you guys to gather your contacts and stuff on the forums. Much Love, -The Staff 

Monday 1 July 2013

Breaking News!!!

So I have just finished listening to Shinee's latest album "BOYS MEET U" and... I LOVE IT!!! My review is below... But first please enjoy the PV from this album since it is worth Breaking News! Haha