Friday 9 August 2013

Too Many Comebacks...

Comebacks are a great chance to see your favourite artists in a new light or enter the world of a new group. So many artist made their comebacks recently that I had to add them all together here.

So prepare for an overload of new K-pop and a few J-pop songs that I enjoyed.

First, we have the 12 guys from outer space... EXO! There comeback songs "Wolf" and "Growl" received good results by fans. I thought that they had a very interesting concept and the dance was creative for Wolf... But I thought of a crocodile when I saw this not a wolf...

Maybe a bunny...

Now that's a Wolf...

Anyway, still loved this song. Especially when Tao said he loved me!! 

 Ahh... if only... but this glare from "Growl"... wow!

Moving on...

We have B.A.P's comeback with "Hurricane" and "Badman". My thought is that Hurricane was better than Badman. It may be due to the fact that Hurricane has a catch beat while Badman has multiple stages throughout the song, causing me to not quiet like the song. Sorry B.A.P but may be after listening to the song more it will grow on me.

When talking about comebacks we can't forget about SHINee! With their new Japanese release "Boys Meet U" I had a sudden urge to go to the beach... ever though it is mid winter here! Also it may be just my fan-girl imagination, but throughout the mv there is a lot of 2min and JongKey moments! Either way, I had this song on reply for at least two days! Keep up the good work SHINee!

Last comeback that I will mention is not really a comeback, since this song is a few months old, is that of Johnny's Entertainment . Since I slightly went through a phrase, okay I forgot, about J-pop for a bit, these guys comeback songs are currently on repeat at the moment...

Kanjani8's "Namida no Kotae" 
(which made me cry so much when I first heard this song... why kill Okura?!)

Hey! Say! JUMP's "Come On A House"
(Loved the great english title... but it was a cute song and fun pv to watch)

A.B.C-Z's "Desperando" and "Twinkle Twinkle A.B.C-Z"
(The first song sounded like something Kis-My-Ft2 would have sung... I was impressed! And the second song was clever using the rhyme as a bases for the song, and the start of the pv was really funny... I thought "That's the A.B.C.-Z I know!")

Lastly was the long awaited comeback for Super Junior and Akanishi Jin!! But I will save that for a different post...

From a girl currently listening to these songs on repeat until she goes crazy.

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