Tuesday 2 July 2013

Countdown to Japan has started!

In less than a week I will be heading to Japan for 2 weeks!! I can't believe it, after wishing to visit this beautiful country for the last 20-odd year, it is finally coming true!


I am going with my family who think that since I have been learning Japanese for years and will graduate with a degree saying that I can understand the language... In reality I can't!


This is why I have planned a holiday where I don't have to do a lot of talking and stuck us a lot of guided tours for the two weeks. I hope my plan works.

Or pray that I magically begin to understand and communicate in Japanese fluently and show that all the years of learning the language has finally paid off! But since reality is never on my side, I guess that won't and never will happen.

So, I guess that from now until I leave for Japan I will have to study enough Japanese so that we don't get lost on the trains/subway and can at least order food! Ganbarimasu!!

When I am in Japan I will keep you up-to-date in my adventures across Japan. Beginning with areas around Tokyo, then Nagoya, then Kyoto, next is Hiroshima, then back to Kyoto and finally ending up in Osaka. Sounds and looks like it is going to be a long holiday for us.

I just hope everything goes soundly since I was the one who planned and booked everything! Sigh...

So look forward to my little stories about Japan from the 13 July!

From a girl who is off to study more Japanese.

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