Wednesday 10 July 2013

Milky Skin Kim Hee Chul...

Today is the birthday of the amazing personality that is Kim Heechul from Super Junior, who turned the big 3-0 today. This post is to remember the times we had with Heechul and wait for his return next month!

Firstly, since it is one of my favourites so don't judge me, is Heechul's tongue! It appears all the time... during live performances, interviews, causal talks, etc. I think it is either a planned strategy or a little habit he picked up somewhere.

Moving on...

You have to love how Heechul holds a mic... even Super Junior picked up on this small fact during their appearance on 'Intimate Note'

One thing you can't leave out when talking about Heechul is his looks! Even he himself thinks that he is the best looking guy out there.

Some quotes that prove this...

Q:“What makes you confident?” 
H: “My face”

H:” I, Kim Heechul, was born to successfully to make women fall in love with me. It’s not my fault. My mother and father created this face. 

At least his modest...

Heechul can be very flirty...

Lastly is Heechul's love for his cute cat Heebum. These two seem to be made for each other... Maybe not when it is time for a haircut!

But I believe that Heechul still has many qualities that the whole world hasn't seen yet and hopefully when he returns to Super Junior we will see more of these traits.

So stay safe Heechul and enjoy your birthday with your love ones.

From a fan that is awaiting for your return.

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