Tuesday 9 July 2013

Overload on Birthday Wishes for Johnny's

This past week has seen a number of Johnny's birthdays and I wished them all a happy birthday on many different social sites and in different languages too!

So lets see who celebrated their birthday this week...

First up is my man Akanishi Jin, who turned 27 on the 4th of July. I wonder if he spent the day with his family members... I still think his daughter is cute but not as cute as the girl from Jin's 'Season' PV

Next is the birthday of NEWS's fashion-terrorist Masuda Takahisa. Born on the same day as Jin, is now 26 years old. But he still looks quite young to me, yet he makes comments like this... I just don't believe it!

After a few days, on the 9th of July, was SMAP's Kusunagi Tsuyoshi's 39th birthday. Even though he and the rest of SMAP are reaching their 40s... I bet no one really cares since they keep releasing new songs and drama and other stuff. Keep up the good work!

There are many more birthdays for this month but I wont mention them all. But the last one that I would like to celebrate is...

Fellow NEWS member Shigeaki Kato, who is turning 26 on the 11th of July. So for tomorrow... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIGE!!!

So that's it for now and I hope everyone has a great day on their birthday always!

From a girl who still has 2 months to wait for hers.

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