Friday 9 August 2013

Japan was amazing!

After spending two weeks in Japan on holidays I realized a few things... 

1. Japan is amazing and totally want to live there
2. People are nice to you even if you can't speak the language
3. I REALLY need to work on my Japanese skills! 

As this was me for the most part...

Anyway, shall we continue now with my brief outline of what happened on my trip to Japan!

Day 1
After a long flight and train trip to our hotel in Ikebukuro, we started our sightseeing for the day at Ueno. Upon visiting the National Museum and eating icecream in 35 DEGREE HEAT, we found the statue of Saigo Tokugawa in all his glory. Leaving this place, we headed back to the hotel to check in.

Just a little something about the Japan railway... I love them!! They are very convenient and reliable about when the train will arrive. Unlike the trains here in Australia, which you pretty much have a rough idea of when trains arrive, in Japan trains arrive on time and depart on time so you are never guessing how long the next train will be. Fantastic! 

Arriving in Tokyo a few hours later, we headed to the Imperial Gardens. But instead of actually going into the gardens, we only walked to the entrance and walked back to the station... Like who does that?!

After that weird experience, we caught the SkyHop Bus to Tokyo Tower. "Wow! So this is the legendary Tokyo Tower!", I thought as I got off the bus. The only sad part was that it was very cloudy and slightly raining, so the view wasn't that great. However, I did spot Skytree in the faint distance, saying quietly to myself that I will see you again 2 days time! 

But notheless, I enjoyed my visit to Tokyo Tower.

The rest of my trip will be added gradually from now on. So relax a bit and enjoy the other posts in between. 

From a girl who has a short mind span.

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