Tuesday 25 June 2013

Let's Begin...


I would like to take this small opportunity to introduce myself and the reason for this blog.

First;y, my name is Usagichan, not really but for online stuff like this it can be anything I want it to be. Anyway, I am a 24 years old who is studying Japanese at university in Australia. Well, trying to at least... Japanese is very hard, regardless of spending close to 8 years studying the language... sigh! 

Secondly, I am a major fangirl of Asian Pop groups since I can remember. It started with liking only Japanese boy band KAT-TUN in 2005 and has grown into liking almost every new band that debuts from Korea every few months. However, I mostly only like boy bands, since girl groups slightly annoy me. Therefore, within this blog I will post videos, photos, and news about my favourite bands. Hopefully, after a while I can get other people to like these bands as much as I do.

Next, I will also post stuff about my life. I apologize in advance if my life is boring and very repetitive. But it is my life and I can live however I like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process! In saying this, my life stories are going to be kept short since it is a very boring life that I lead!

Lastly, hope you all enjoy yourselves and yeah...

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